mAadhaar can be now used as a valid ID proof to enter Airports across India. There is no need to carry any multiple or additional ID Proof Documents or Physical ID’s, one mAadhaar can serve your purpose of entering the Airport. Minors who are accompanied by parents will not require to furnish any additional documents according to the circular passed by the aviation security agency BCAS (Bureau of Civil Aviation Security).

Let me tell you that mAadhaar is a mobile app in which you can carry your Aadhaar Card in a digital form in your pocket. If a passenger doesn’t have Aadhaar or mAadhaar, so in such case other than Aadhaar or mAadhaar the passenger can furnish his or her Passport, Driving License, Voters ID, and PAN Card.
Now let’s get to know how a flyer can use mAadhaar to Enter Airport across India.
How to Use mAadhaar to Enter Airport across India
- To use mAadhaar to enter Airport you will have to download and install mAadhaar App from App Store on your smartphone.
- Once the app mAadhaar has been downloaded and installed on your phone, just tap on it to open it.
- You will be asked to set password for your mAadhaar profile, just set the password as per the requirement and confirm it.
- On next screen you would be asked to create your profile by entering your 12 digit UID Number, once you enter your UID Number just tap on next button.
- Allow the permission whichever it is asking for.
- You will receive one time password on your Aadhaar registered mobile number, make sure your registered Aadhaar Mobile Number is inserted in same phone on which you have installed the app as it will auto-detect the OTP as soon as you receive the One Time Password. You will not be able to enter the OTP manually.
- Once OTP is populated just tap on verify button.
- A prompt will appear saying profile is successfully imported. You would be able to view your Aadhaar Card on next page, so to view it you will have to enter the password which you have set.
- So on airport when security asks you for ID Proof you can open mAadhaar App on your phone, enter the password and show them your Digital Aadhaar in mAadhaar App.
This is how you would be easily able to enter airports across India using mAadhaar App.
Yes mAadhaar is accepted at airport across India. Additionally soft copy of Aadhar card is also valid at airport.
Unable to launch application after download.