Aadhaar is a 12 digit unique identification number which is allotted by UIDAI to Indian Residents as well as Non-Residents of India (NRI). Initially, Only Residents of India were eligible to apply for Aadhaar Card but as per the Central Government order Aadhar Card is now been issued to NRI’s.
Each Aadhaar Number is unique and it is linked with the resident’s demographic, biometric and other details, which makes it easy to identify or verify the details of resident with the help of 12 digits Aadhaar or UID Number. By allowing NRIs to enroll for Aadhaar the Aadhaar Database with Government will become richer by database and accurate, and the government will have biometric & demographic details of Non-Residents of India (NRI).
Process on How to Get Aadhar Card for NRI
The requirement and the process to apply Aadhaar Card for NRI (Non-Residents of India) are the same as the process Indian Residents follow while registering for Aadhaar Card.
To enroll for Aadhaar Card NRI can take an online appointment if your nearest Aadhaar Kendra Seva Center accepts it, to know how to book Aadhaar Card Online Appointment click here.
If you’re nearest Aadhaar Card Enrollment Center accepts an online appointment you can take the appointment online and walk into the center at a specific time depending on the appointment slot booked. If your Aadhaar Card Seva Kendra doesn’t support online appointment then you can directly walk-in to Aadhaar Center at your convenience.
While visiting Aadhaar Card Enrolling Agency don’t forget to carry your Proof of Identity and Proof of Address original copies. To save your time at aadhaar center you can take a print out of Aadhaar Card Enrollment Form, take a print out and fill it at home. To download the Aadhaar Enrollment Form click here.
You can even get Aadhaar Card Enrollment Form at Aadhaar Center. Fill all the details asked in the Aadhaar Card Enrollment Form and enclose Proof of Identity and Proof of Address.
Submit the form with documents to the officials at aadhaar center, your form and documents will be verified and the originals will be returned back to you
Then you will be asked to sit for enrollment of Aadhaar.
The operator will enter your demographic details as you have entered in the form in the aadhaar software, you will have to review it carefully if the operator is making any mistakes while entering your data. And if in case if the operator has made any mistake you can ask him or her to correct it at the same time. Once your demographic details are entered your biometric data will be captured like all 10 fingerprints, both eyes iris scan, and one photograph.
That’s it your enrollment has been completed, the operator will provide you your Aadhaar Card Acknowledgement Slip. You can use this Aadhaar Card Acknowledgement Slip to track the status of your Aadhaar.
You can now leave the premises, you will receive your Aadhaar Card Letter on residence address via India Post in 90 days.
Dear Sir, – Being a holder of OCI, I do not have an address in India. Is my foreign address valid to apply for an AADHAR CARD?
I thank you
Bipin P Rathore
Admin says
No you can’t provide your foreign address to apply for Aadhaar, it should be valid Indian Address. Provide any address proof document which you have in India.
Sainath Dayaker says
My son is an NRI he wants to apply for aadhar card. He cannot visit to India. How to apply please advise .
Admin says
Hello Sainath,
Without visiting Aadhaar Enrolment Center in India, your son cannot get enrolled for Aadhaar Card. And as you said your Son is NRI, As per the Aadhaar Act, 2016, only a resident who has resided in India for a period or periods amounting in all to 182 or more in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of application for enrolment.