While signing up on the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) official website, you may have encountered the error message: “Please Check Aadhaar Consent.”

Have you concluded that this prevents you from signing up on the RRB website? Or do you believe this is an issue with the UIDAI website and are waiting for it to be resolved?
If so, you are mistaken and merely wasting valuable time. Instead of waiting for the system to be fixed, follow the guidelines outlined in this post to successfully complete your registration on the RRB website and apply for opportunities without any delay.
Fix Please Check Aadhaar Consent
Visit the official RRB Website https://www.rrbapply.gov.in/
Click on Apply > Create an account

A signup form will displayed in which you will need to fill up your details As recorded in Matriculation (10th class) Certificate/Marks list
From Country Of Nationality * select your nationality
From Personal information section fill up your Full Name, In Re-type full name re-enter your full name
From Have you changed your name? * select Yes or No whichever applicable in your case
Select Date of Birth, from Retype date of birth again confirm your date of birth
Select Gender, and again confirm gender by selecting gender in Re-select Gender *
Enter your Father’s Name *, and re-enter again in Re-type Father’s Name *
Type your Mother’s Name * and confirm it by typing again in Re-type Mother’s Name *
From Contact details section in email address section type your valid email address and click on Generate Email OTP
OTP will be sent on your entered email address, enter the same in email OTP field
Type your mobile number in mobile number field and click on Generate Mobile OTP button
Enter the received OTP on your mobile in the Mobile OTP field
In the Aadhaar verification enter your Aadhaar Number or VID and before clicking on Generate Aadhaar OTP make sure the aadhaar consent is tick marked or else it will generate an error please check aadhaar consent
Once tick marking on Aadhaar consent click on Generate Aadhaar OTP
OTP will be sent on your mobile number
Enter the received OTP and click on the Verify button
Your Aadhaar will successfully get verified, and your Aadhaar details will be displayed below
Set a password by typing it in password and confirm password

Solve the CAPTCHA Code and click on Preview and Create an Account
If on preview page all your details are appearing correctly, proceed with the registration.
This is how we have fixed the error Please Check Aadhaar Consent, now you can start applying for RRB Recruitment’s by logging in into your account.