How to Get Aadhar Card for a Bed-Ridden Person

A Bed-Ridden is a Person who cannot move, so for such patients, it becomes very difficult to visit Aadhaar Card Center to get enrolled for Aadhar. So for such people, there are special privileges given by UIDAI in which the Aadhaar Enrolment officials visit the bedridden patient’s house to enroll them for Aadhar Card. Below

How Physically Disabled Person can get enrolled for Aadhaar Card

All residents of India have a right to enroll for Aadhaar Card, whichever gender, age, he belongs to. Any person can voluntarily apply for Aadhaar Card whether he may be physically fit or Physically Disabled Person. Every individual can enroll for Aadhaar and get benefit out of it. So today in this post we will

How to Get Aadhar Card for NRI

Aadhaar is a 12 digit unique identification number which is allotted by UIDAI to Indian Residents as well as Non-Residents of India (NRI). Initially, Only Residents of India were eligible to apply for Aadhaar Card but as per the Central Government order Aadhar Card is now been issued to NRI’s. Each Aadhaar Number is unique

Apply for Aadhaar Card without any Documents

Aadhaar Card is an identity proof which can be used throughout the country. Aadhaar Card is also accepted as a valid identity proof to avail of various government subsidies. The process to apply for Aadhaar Card is very simple and we have also mentioned it earlier in our previous articles. But what if a person