How to Download Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate

In our last post we explained How to Apply for Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate with Aadhaar Card. And here in this post we will guide you on how to download Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate Online. Generally there will be no need of Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate Hardcopy, as you won’t submit DLC

How to Apply for Jeevan Pramaan Digital Life Certificate with Aadhaar Card

Jeevan Pramaan is Aadhaar biometric based Digital Life Certificate for pensioners. Jeevan Pramaan i.e. Digital Life Certificate (DLC) is generated for individual pensioner using his or her Aadhaar number and Biometrics. The main benefit of having Jeevan Pramaan (Digital Life Certificate) is that the pensioner is not required to be present personally before the Pension

Link Aadhaar with Mobile Phone without giving fingerprints at your Home

At last Government and Telecom Operator has listened to the feedback and queries coming from mobile subscribers, for everyone it was not possible to visit telecom store or retailer store to get their Aadhaar linked with Mobile. For some subscribers giving their fingerprints that is biometrics for verification was problem, mostly senior citizens were unable

How Homeless or the People with No Documents Can Enroll for Aadhaar

All residents of India has a right to apply for Aadhaar Card, whether the resident may be homeless or without any documents. So in this post we will specially mention How Homeless or the People with No Documents Can Enroll for Aadhaar. Usually to apply for Aadhaar Card, residents have to furnish their Proof of

How Residents Suffering from Eye-related Ailments can apply for Aadhar Card

There has been myth on People suffering from eye-related ailments cannot enroll for Aadhar Card, but this statement is not at all true. Every resident of India can enroll for Aadhar irrespective of age, gender, religion, whether he is disabled, bedridden, etc. People suffering from eye-related ailments like cataract, retina damage or partial/complete blindness can