How to Link Aadhaar with Ration Card

Linking Aadhaar Card with ration card has become mandatory to avail food grains, fuel at subsidized rates. Without linking Aadhaar with Ration Card, beneficiaries won’t be able to avail monthly ration. This step has been taken by the government to eliminate multiple ration cards in one household at a different location and also to get rid of fraudulent activities.

Link Aadhaar with Ration Card

A Ration Card is like an ID number given to families that qualify for the government’s Public Distribution System. With this card, families can buy essential items like food grains and groceries at reasonable prices.

Linking ration card with Aadhaar not only benefits the Government in preventing corruption, rerouting, and leakage of PDS rations. But it is also beneficial for the beneficiaries, in various manners.

Aadhaar-enabled beneficiary: Seeding Aadhaar with a bank account and ration card enables the beneficiary to smoothly receive the subsidy payment credited into the linked bank account. This also helps the Government in identifying eligible and genuine beneficiaries and eliminates duplicate and fictional people from registering.Aadhaar-enabled DBT: Aadhaar-enabled service delivery (AeSD) eliminates corruption as the benefit is directly credited into the beneficiary’s bank account which is called Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). This prevents middlemen and fraudulent, non-qualifying beneficiaries.
Aadhaar-enabled eligibility check: The eligibility of the applicant is checked by comparing it with the service delivery database with other databases. For e.g. PDS kerosene eligibility is checked by comparing the PDS database with the LPG database and the subsidy on kerosene allocation is reduced if the LPG subsidy is detected for that household.e-Ration Card Services: Aadhaar holders can easily apply for an e-Ration card online and can also check the costs and food grain availability online. This eliminates unnecessary holding of rations by corrupt people and allows it to reach to the needy.

So now because of such needs, Aadhaar Card has become mandatory in each and every field, so today in this article we will guide you on how to link Aadhaar number with a ration card.

There are several methods with which you can link Aadhar to ration card, some of the methods include seeding Aadhaar with ration card Online via Aadhaar Portal, via SMS, and Offline by visiting the ration fare shop dealer.

We have provided complete instructions on all the modes to link Aadhaar with Ration Card. The below methods to link Aadhar to ration card is applicable and the same for all states and all types of ration cards such as Priority, Antyodaya (AAY), Above Poverty Line (APL), and Below Poverty Line (BPL).

To link Aadhar with Ration Card visit the Aadhaar and Ration Card Link website, the website may be state specific. So you need to visit respective state Public Distribution System (PDS) website.

Below are the state-wise Aadhar Card and Ration Card Link URL’s

West Bengal (WBPDS Aadhaar Link)

From the WBPDS Aadhar Ration Card Link webpage [link aadhaar with ration cards(active and deactive)], enter ration card number click on the search button

Next, you will have to enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number, mobile number, and email id

Once submitting the form you will receive OTP on your mobile number, just enter the OTP and submit the application.

That’s it you have successfully submitted a request to link your Aadhaar Number with Ration Card. Once your application gets processed and on successful verification of your details, you will be notified via SMS that your Aadhaar Number has been successfully linked with your Ration Card and your e kyc has been completed.

This is how easily you can link your Aadhaar Number with Ration Card Online without going anywhere. However, not all states offer the online option to link Aadhaar with a ration card. Only a few states provide this feature on their State Public Distribution System Website.

To link your Aadhaar with Ration Card type UID SEED <State Short Code> <Scheme/Program Short Code> <Scheme/Program ID> <Aadhaar No> and send it to 51969.

For example UID SEED JH POSC 1234567 131313131313

Ration Cardholders of Karnataka State can link their Aadhaar with respective rashion cards through SMS, by sending below SMS format.

SMS FormatExampleSend SMS To
RCUID – RCUID Aadhar No.RCUID 1234567890009731979899

Once you send this SMS you will receive SMS that your linking Aadhaar request has been received, and once it gets processed you will get SMS saying your Aadhaar Number has been successfully linked with Ration Card.

To link your Aadhaar Card Number with Ration Card Offline, you will need to fill the Aadhaar Seeding from which can be obtained free of cost from the PDS shop

Once you obtain the Aadhaar linking form, fill it completely with your details and take a photocopy of Aadhaar of all family members and also take a ration card photocopy along with you and visit the PDS shop

Submit these documents along with the Aadhaar seeding application form to your PDS shop or rashan Fare Shop dealer

You will be asked to place your finger on a sensor to authenticate to check that you and your Aadhaar number are matched

That’s it once your Aadhaar Number gets linked with Ration Card you will be notified via SMS.

This is how easily by using any of the above three methods you can get your Aadhar Number linked with your Ration Card.

Some of the State Department of Civil Supplies, allow beneficiaries to avail e-Services Ration Card Management System. But as said earlier this feature of e-ration is exclusive for Aadhaar linked beneficiaries. So below are the state-wise process explained on how to avail e-Ration services.

e-Ration card services allow one to apply for new ration or avail e-ration service online with the help of Aadhaar. Currently, the e-Ration services is implemented by a few states in India.

To register for e-Ration Aadhaar with the ration card, you only need two document numbers and they are Aadhaar and ration card number. If you don’t have a ration card then you can also apply for a new one from this same portal using your Aadhaar.

To apply for a new ration card or to avail e-Ration services visit the official e-services portal of your state. Below are the official website URL’s mentioned by state which has e-Services – Ration Card Management System


Once you land on the official website of e-Services – Ration Card Management System CIVIL SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT, you will find a registration form

And if you already have a ration card and want to avail e-Ration services then you need to register on the portal using your ration card number and Aadhaar Number.

For availing the ration e-services you need to give your consent to e-Service State Portal to obtain your Aadhaar number for verification with the PDS database.

If you don’t have a ration card then you can apply for a new one using your Aadhaar number online from the Ration e-Services Portal. Your aadhaar numbers entered in the new ration card would be used only for PDS database seeding.

How to link Aadhaar to ration if the beneficiary have not received Aadhaar?

A beneficiary who has still not received or issued Aadhaar number can submit a slip of Aadhaar registration in case of Aadhaar registration.

What other documents can be submitted, incase beneficiary have not applied for Aadhaar?

Incase the beneficiary have not applied for Aadhaar, then they can apply for Aadhaar and submit the slip of Aadhaar registration to link with ration.

What is the Aadhaar ration card e kyc deadline?

The Government has set the deadline to complete eKYC as 31st March 2025.