How many days will it take to get Aadhar Card after enrollment or how long it takes to get Aadhar Card after enrolment is very usual and commonly asked question by each and every applicant of Aadhaar. So we thought to answer this question clearly without keeping any doubts in your mind.

Aadhar Number doesn’t get issued to you immediately after enrolling for Aadhar, it has a specific timeline of issuing Aadhar Number once you are enrolled for Aadhar.
First of all, to get Aadhar Card you will have to get yourself enrolled for Aadhar at the nearest enrolment center or Kendra. Below is the complete tutorial which will guide you to enroll for Aadhar.
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Steps to Enroll for Aadhar Card
To enroll for Aadhar Card Download the Aadhar Enrollment Form by clicking here. You can also get the application form free of cost from the Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
If you have downloaded the application form then you will need to print the Aadhar Enrollment Application form and fill in all the details asked in the form.
Arrange the documents, there isn’t any need to take photocopies of it as you will need to carry the originals at the time of the enrolment. The original document will be scanned while the enrolment and returned back to you. To know the supported list of documents acceptable for Aadhar Enrolment click here.
Once you are ready with a duly filled form and the original documents, just locate the nearest Aadhar Enrolment Center near your region by clicking here.
Once you know the nearest Aadhar Enrolment Kendra, just visit the Aadhar Enrolment Kendra.
Submit the documents with the form at the Enrolment Kendra, the concerned authority will enter the details in the Aadhar Software. You will have to make sure if the details are entered correctly by the authority.
Next, your fingerprints, iris, and your picture will be captured.
You will be provided Aadhaar Enrollment Acknowledgement Copy, you will have to keep this copy safely with you as you will need it to track the status of your Aadhar Card and also it can be used to download your e-Aadhar Card PDF Copy.
Once you get enrolled for Aadhaar, the next question comes in your mind is how many days to get Aadhar card after enrollment or how long it takes to get aadhar card after enrolment.
How Many Days it will take to get Aadhar Card after Enrollment
Once you are enrolled for Aadhaar at Aadhaar Card Enrollment Center, it will take up to 90 days to get the Aadhaar Number issued to you.
Upon the successful issuance of your Aadhaar number, you will receive notification via SMS on your registered mobile number. However, it is important to note that, in certain instances, the processing time may exceed the initially estimated timelines. This delay is attributed to the comprehensive scrutiny undertaken by the Enrolment Agency, involving the transmission of data to the UIDAI Data Centre. The data undergoes meticulous screening and validations within the Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) to authenticate information and eliminate any potential duplicate entries. In the event of data discrepancies, such as mismatches in photographs, gender, or age, the application may be temporarily halted or rejected.
Following the issuance of your Aadhaar Number, the subsequent process of Aadhar Card Letter printing and dispatch typically requires an additional 2 to 3 weeks. The finalized document will be sent to your registered address through India Post.
If you need your Aadhaar urgently then once you get issued with 12 digits Aadhaar Number, you can download a digital copy of your Aadhaar instantly from UIDAI Portal.
However, you can always keep checking the status of your Aadhar Application by checking Aadhaar Status.
Once you get your Aadhaar number issued, you can download your e-Aadhaar Card straightaway. On issuance of Aadhar Number your Aadhaar digital copy will be stored online on UIDAI server.
This means your enrolment is still under process and it will take some more days or months to get it verified by UIDAI team.
Once enrolling for Aadhaar, rather then waiting you cannot do anything to get Aadhar Card quickly.
I have applied for aadhaar card since 2month ago on 11/11/2017 and till now I didnt get my aadhaar no. Its till now showing on process
Hi, If you don’t have child’s Aadhar card, give undertaking to school that you will provide it later at a certain date. Our school told us this in Delhi.
Hello Neeraj,
Thanks for sharing this vital information with us. If you come across more info which would help our readers, please feel free to post.
Hello Admin,
Kindly reply on the below queries of the reader which will be more useful for everyone…..
Since 3 days it is showing it is under progres. How long it takes can pls inform me.
When government made Aadhar card mandatory everywhere then they are supposed to expedite the process and provide Aadhar card in 1 to 2 weeks.
Now many works are halted because of aadhar card and its been more than a month, still in under process.
Government issued a statement aadhar mandatory and delaying in providing aadhar. I don’t understand why should citizen suffer.
At least government ease the process stating with enrolment copy we can proceed bank works and other works, after 30 days or 90 days he/she can submit aadhar details.
Hi this is Zareen Taj i have updated my date of birth in aadhar card on 11.08.2018 whenever i try to download its showing that still its in under process could you please tell me the exact date so we can do passport and other aadhar related work
Hi, I’ve applied since 3-4 weeks but i still didn’t receive the message, why and what’s happening?
Everytime I check at uidai website it shows
“The enrollment is under process, please check again after few days”
Hope someone can help me here
I am getting a technical exception if I search for my Aadhar update status
I updated my mobile number on 07.01.2020 in my Aadhaar card. But not yet updated my mobile number. Kindly confirm how many days will take to get it updated?