How to Download Aadhaar by Showing Face | Face Authentication

Face Authentication Aadhaar Download is one more feature update coming from UIDAI which solves the downloading issues of Aadhaar Card Online who don’t have a mobile number registered with their UID Card. Also, this feature will be vital when you have a problem receiving OTP’s on your registered mobile number. So finally there is a huge update made by UIDAI on their Official Website which allows users to download their Aadhaar by showing their Face.

Download Aadhaar by showing face | Face Authentication

Downloading Aadhaar Card by showing face doesn’t mean any person can download anyone’s Aadhaar Card, but only the Aadhaar Card holder can download their Aadhaar by completing the face authentication process. This means on the physical presence of Aadhaar Holder in front of a smartphone device or computer, the holder will be able to download their Aadhaar card by using UIDAI face Aadhar download service.

Requirements to Download Aadhaar using Face Authentication

If you are downloading your Aadhaar from your PC or Desktop make sure you have a webcam device installed or else you won’t be able to complete Face Authentication.

Downloading Aadhaar using Face Authentication on a smartphone or laptop will be quick as it already comes with in build front camera or webcam so you won’t require to additionally install any webcam device as you do for PC or Desktop.  

Below is the complete process explained on how to download Aadhaar by showing face or by completing Face Authentication.

Process to Download Aadhaar by Showing Face or Face Authentication

Face authentication Aadhaar download doesn’t require you to complete OTP verification or there is no requirement to have a mobile number linked with Aadhaar to access this feature. This feature to download Aadhaar is available for all Aadhaar Holders and it is not a userspecific feature.

To download your e-Aadhaar Digital Copy Online by showing your face, you will need to visit URL from your favorite web browser.

Download Aadhaar by Face Auth

This page will be like a normal Aadhaar download page, but it will have an authentication feature which is Face Auth.

From the first option select whether you want to download your Aadhaar by entering Aadhaar Number or Enrolment Number or VID Number and enter the details in the below field.

Complete the captcha verification by entering the same letters which you can see in the image displayed.

To download your Aadhaar using face recognition feature just click on Face Auth (Face Authentication)

Aadhaar Download Face Auth Instructions

A pop will appear which will display Face Authentication Instructions such as:

  1. Please ensure you are in the correct lighting
  2. Please stay still for smooth capture of your face
  3. Please allow the browser to use your device camera

So after reading these instructions just click on the OK button to continue downloading your Aadhaar without OTP with the help of Face Authentication Feature.

Aadhaar Downloaded with face Auth

The web browser will prompt to provide permission to use your camera, so to proceed just tap on allow the browser to take pictures and record video

aadhaar face camera permissions

The webpage will start capturing your face

Aadhaar face Capturing

Just show your face in front of the webcam or camera of your device, if your face is not aligning properly then it will show once screen instructions such as “your full face is not getting captured, please align”, “please bring your face near to camera”, “please come near to camera, looks like you are bit from the camera”, etc

Aadhaar Download Quick Survey

Once it detects your face and matches it with the data present in the database it will generate a confirmation message saying “face successfully detected. Proceed for AUTH now”

The page will get navigated to the final download page of your Aadhaar, where you will have to just take a quick survey by answering to them and then click on the verify and download button to proceed to download your Aadhaar

Download Aadhaar by Face Verify and Download

Once your Aadhaar Digital Copy gets downloaded on your device you can open the file with PDF Reader Software.

While opening the file it will prompt you to the password, and the password will be your first four letters of the name in capital letters followed by the year of birth.

Download Aadhaar by Face Recognition without OTP from PC/ Laptop

The process of downloading Aadhaar using a face recognition feature from PC or Laptop is similar to downloading it from the Smartphone. But before you begin downloading your Aadhaar from PC or Laptop you will have to confirm that your PC or Laptop has a webcam device installed.

To download your Aadhaar using face recognition feature just head on to

Download Aadhaar with Face Auth

A webpage to download an electronic copy of your Aadhaar will open where you will need to enter your Aadhaar Number or Enrolment ID (EID) or Virtual ID (VID)

Once entering the details, if you want to download a masked version of your Aadhaar then just tick mark on “I want masked Aadhaar?” if you want to download normal version of Aadhaar showing complete Aadhaar Number then just skip selecting that option

Solve the captcha security code which is displayed in the image and type in the same in the below field

Aadhaar face Auth Instructions

Just click on the Face Auth button and a pop-up will appear showing some instructions to follow while Face Auth such as:

  • Please ensure you are in the correct lighting
  • Please stay still for smooth capture of your face
  • Please allow the browser to use your device’s camera
  • Click “Ok” to continue

Once reading these instructions, just click on the OK button

A new screen will open showing a message your electronic copy of Aadhaar will be downloaded

Aadhaar Face Auth Camera Permissions

Meanwhile, the web browser will request you to allow permissions for to use your camera

Allow the permissions by clicking on allow button

Aadhaar Face Capture

The webpage will begin capturing your face, and it will also guide you with on-screen instructions if you have not aligned your face properly such as “your full face is not getting captured, please align”, “please bring your face near to camera”, “please come near to the camera, looks like you are a bit from the camera”, etc.

Once the interface captures your face and matches the data with the existing details present in the database, it will generate a confirmation message stating “face successfully detected. Proceed for AUTH now”

Aadhaar face Auth Quick Survey

The page will automatically be navigated to the final download page of your Aadhaar, where you will have to just take a quick survey by answering them and then click on the verify and download button to proceed to download your Aadhaar

Once your Aadhaar electronic copy gets downloaded, open the file with PDF reader software. On opening the file it will prompt you to enter the password and the password will be your name first four letters in the capital followed by the year of birth.

Face mismatched or biometric data did not match while downloading Aadhaar using Face Auth?

This might be caused due to no proper lighting or you may have moved too much while detection process. So while authentication please stay still.

Another reason behind mismatch could be the picture which is present with Aadhaar might be very old and many changes might have occurred in your face. So you will have to get your picture updated in your Aadhaar by visiting the Aadhaar Seva Kendra.

Can I download Aadhaar only by showing face?

No, to download your Aadhaar with Face Auth you will need to input your Aadhaar Number or Enrolment Number or VID. Without entering these details, just by showing face the interface cannot detect your Aadhaar or Enrolment or VID Number.

Can i used face authentication aadhaar download in mAadhaar app?

No, as of now face authentication aadhaar download option is not available in mAadhaar app.