Fix Please Check Aadhaar Consent in RRB

While signing up on the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) official website, you may have encountered the rrb aadhaar verification error message: “Please Check Aadhaar Consent.” Have you concluded that this prevents you from signing up on the RRB website? Or do you believe this is an issue with the UIDAI website and are waiting for

S/O D/O W/O in Aadhaar has been now standardized to C/O

Some of you might be aware of the recent changes made by UIDAI, while others might not. So today in this post I will be going to clarify the recent updates to the S/O, D/O, and W/O fields in Aadhaar. Previously your Aadhaar was to contain details like S/O, D/O, and W/O, in-case if you

UIDAI Introduces New Rules and Forms for Enrolment and Updation

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has recently introduced significant amendments to the Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Rules, presenting an array of fresh guidelines for both residents and non-residents (NRIs). Below is an exhaustive guide covering the key aspects of these updates: Aadhaar Update Methods Online and Offline Options Aadhaar card holders can now

eAadhaar New Look | Updated eAadhaar download

The look of the eAadhaar has been changed and a lot of features and improvements have been implemented in the latest version of eAadhaar. Since the inception of eAadhaar, for the first time, UIDAI has made major improvements and changes to the look of eAadhaar. The all-new eAadhaar looks even more eye-catcher and comes with

No Document Required to Update Photo Fingerprint Iris Gender Mobile Email in Aadhaar

If a resident wants to update or change details in their Aadhaar like Photo, Fingerprints, Iris, Gender, Mobile or Email, then they can simply visit nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra and get the work done. Recently the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has shared an update regarding Aadhaar that there is no requirement to provide